Tantauco Park
We are an Official Tour Operator for the largest and southernmost park on the Island of Chiloe, Tantauco Park.
Tantauco is located in the farthest and wildest territory of the Great Island of the Chiloé Archipelago, in what is reckoned as the northern border of Chilean Patagonia. It is made up of evergreen forests, millennial cypress groves, bog plains from the last glacial period, and imposing lakes and rivers, all along a 118,000-hectare territory.

Full day
Tantauco Park North (Yaldad Area)

MañÃo de aproximadamente 800 años en el sector del Centro de Visitantes del Parque Tantauco

Parte importante de la infraestructura del parque es su señalética.

MañÃo de aproximadamente 800 años en el sector del Centro de Visitantes del Parque Tantauco
We begin the day traveling to the south of the island 14 km. before reaching Quellon, we then take a road that takes us to the Yaldad area, north of the Tantauco National Park. There, we do a two hour walk (medium level difficulty) bordering the Yaldad river until the park’s Visitor’s Center where we will enjoy a gourmet picnic lunch on the lake bank of the same name. After lunch, and a walk through the Visitor’s Center we will do the Siempreverde path (basic level difficulty) before returning to the entry to return to Castro around 5:30pm.